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How to leave a gift in your will

Everything you need to know about leaving a gift in your Will to The Principle Trust Children’s Charity.

Leaving a gift in your Will means that no matter what the future holds, The Principle Trust can be there to provide free holiday breaks for disadvantaged, underprivileged, and disabled children, when they need it the most.

The Principle Trust Children’s Charity relies on donations to allow it to continue its valuable work of providing breaks to vulnerable children in Yorkshire. It does not matter how much you donate. Each donation may be small but lots of people have already taken up Jones Whyte solicitors Free Will offer helping to raise much needed funds for the charity. 

Free Will Service

A gift in your Will is a memorable way of showing that you believe in supporting disadvantaged, underprivileged, and disabled children.

Making a Will may seem daunting at first and easy to put off, but it is simple to do. It is also one of the most important things that you can do to ensure that your loved ones are taken care of when you are no longer here.

With this in mind The Principle Trust Children’s Charity has partnered with Jones Whyte solicitors to offer our supporters a free Will preparation service.

What Jones Whyte solicitors can do for you:

  • Prepare your Will free of charge.
  • You pay nothing.
  • Our charity pays nothing.
  • All you do is consider a donation, all of which goes to The Principle Trust Children’s Charity.

Learn more about Jones Whyte solicitors free Will service.

Already have a will?

Free Will review service

The Principle Trust Children’s Charity would like to encourage all its supporters who already have a Will to take up this very generous offer from Jones Whyte solicitors . In doing so, you can protect your and your family’s future and at the same time you can support the valuable work of our Children’s Charity.

Gifts in Wills not only show us what The Principle Trust means to you, but also offers an important source of support towards helping our vulnerable children in the future.

What Jones Whyte Solicitors can do for you:

  • Review your Will free of charge.
  • You pay nothing.
  • You get a new Will, if necessary, at no cost.
  • All you do is consider a donation, all of which goes to The Principle Trust Children’s Charity.

Learn more about Jones Whyte solicitors free Will service.

Lasting power of attorney

What is it?

It is a legal document which appoints someone you trust to act for you if you become unable to make decisions or manage your affairs – both financial & property and health & welfare.

Jones Whyte solicitors have offered supporters of The Principle Trust Children’s Charity a lasting powers of attorney service at a special price of £199, and they will also donate £30 to our charity.

Why should you need a Power of Attorney?

  • More of us become unable to manage our affairs these days.
  • Without a Power of Attorney, your family may need to go to Court.
  • The process may cause unnecessary delay and expense.

Why do it?

  • You get the Power of Attorney you need.
  • Well, everyone benefits
  • The Principle Trust Children’s Charity gets much needed funds.

Learn more about Jones Whyte solicitors special price lasting power of attorney service


Every adult should have a Will. Without a Will the law decides who inherits. With a Will you decide. With no Will it will usually take longer and cost more to wind up your estate.

Very often a Will is not enough – sometimes a Will is sufficient but very often it is not.

Your circumstances may have changed.

Research shows that 1 in 4 Wills are defective or of poor quality. *

A will only directs where your assets go when you die. Not where they will end up. Quite a difference.

They see many Wills with errors.

They see many Clients who need a Trust to back up their Will.

The review is free of charge. They call it a safety check.

If you need a new Will, that is free of charge as well, just consider a donation for The Principle Trust Children’s Charity.

Jones Whyte solicitors is a Multi Awards Winning Solicitor Firm.

None of us knows what is around the corner.

There are three good reasons:

1.  They have been preparing Wills since 1853 so they are good at it. They prepare thousands per annum. So you are in good hands.

2.  A standard Will only states who is to benefit when you die. Their “Estate Planning Wills” ensure that your estate finishes up where you want it. Quite a difference.

3.  At present Jones Whyte solicitors will prepare your Will free of charge – a service which usually costs £150 for a single client and £240 for a couple. So now you can support The Principle Trust Children’s Charity and get a good deal.

Everyone benefits.

You get the Will you need.

The Principle Trust Children’s Charity raises much needed funds.

To arrange an appointment Call Jones Whyte solicitors on 0800 852 1999 or email contactus@mcclure-solicitors.co.uk

* Solicitors Regulation Authority Survey (details available from McClure solicitors/Jones Whyte solicitors).

making memories that last

Give A Child Their Dreams Back

Making memories that last is our goal. Donate to The Principle Trust and help us to continue to provide free holidays to underprivileged, disadvantaged, and disabled children from across Yorkshire.

Our children’s charity in Skipton gives 100% of every pound raised to our dedicated cause.

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